Technical Energy Audit: DOE sponsored ICP audit which has resulted in many energy conservation measures being implemented.
Chilled Water Retrofit: Installation of variable speed drives on the chilled water pumps, and two-way valves on the chilled water coils at the air-handling units for more efficient chilled water usage.
Variable Air Volume Retrofit: Conversion of the constant volume air-handling units to variable air volume, by the addition of variable speed drives at the air-handling units and variable air volume devices at the terminal reheat units.
Cogeneration Facility: 325 kilowatt prime mover for the simultaneous production of heat and electricity. During the summertime, heat is used in absorption chillers; in winter, for building heat. Domestic hot water is heated year-round.
HVAC Overhaul, Jail Area: Currently, the detention area is being converted from a jail into office area since a new jail facility has been constructed. The entire HVAC (and plumbing, electrical, and fire protection) systems are being radically retrofitted with new air handlers, alterations to the existing air handlers, and completely new distribution systems. Eventually, the entire Justice Center will be retrofitted.
Energy Management System: All of the above projects have fit within the expanding facility automation system, which controls all of the HVAC systems and the cogeneration facility. The user interface of the system resides in the County Engineer’s office approximately one mile away. Savings in energy usage, in addition to far better control on comfort, have resulted with the facility automation system. It is currently being expanded to other County-owned buildings.
Data Communications Electrical Design: Boulder County retrofitted the old jail into office space for the District Attorney, Public Works, and Juvenile Detention. The offices could use any one of seven different computer systems owned by the County. In order to provide flexibility, every office was fitted with a modular tap box into which four telephone lines and four data lines were run. These lines from each office were run to satellite closets that contained punch-down blocks, equipment racks, and LAN controllers. From the satellite closets, the proper type cable for each system was run back to the computer room.